How to Change the Root Password in Linux

2023-09-28 17:56:35
Performance-Optimized Fast Internet Integrations - POFII


In a Linux system, the root user has the highest level of access, and can perform any operation on the system. There may be times when you need to change the root password for security reasons or because it has been forgotten. This article will guide you through the process of changing the root password in a Linux system.

Changing the Root Password

1. Access the Terminal

To begin, you'll need to open the terminal in your Linux system. You can typically do this by searching for "terminal" in your system's main menu.

2. Switch to the Root User

Once the terminal is open, switch to the root user by typing the following command:

$ sudo su

3. Change the Root Password

Now that you are logged in as the root user, you can change the root password. Use the 'passwd' command as follows:

# passwd

After typing the 'passwd' command, you will be asked to enter the new password. After typing the new password, you will be asked to retype it for confirmation.


You have now successfully changed the root password in your Linux system. Remember to always keep your password safe and to change it regularly to maintain system security. If you have any questions or run into any issues, feel free to reach out to our support team.

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