How to Hide Bottom Overflow in CSS by Setting the Width of the Parent Div

2023-09-28 17:56:35
Performance-Optimized Fast Internet Integrations - POFII


Managing overflow is an important aspect of web design. It defines how the content that overflows an element's box is treated. In this guide, we'll demonstrate how to hide the bottom overflow when a div is too big for its parent by setting the width of the parent div using CSS.

Hide Bottom Overflow

Step 1: Define the HTML Structure

First, we'll create a parent div and a child div that is too big for its parent.

<div class="parent">
  <div class="child">Content here</div>

Step 2: Apply CSS Styles

Next, we'll use CSS to hide the overflow from the parent div.

.parent {
  width: 100%; /* or any specific width */
  overflow: hidden; /* hides all overflow */

.child {
  width: 150%; /* or any size larger than parent */


By setting the 'overflow' property to 'hidden' on the parent div, we can ensure that any content in the child div that exceeds the size of the parent will be hidden. This is a useful technique for managing layout and design in CSS.


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